If you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly deserve.
Do what you love, and don’t stop until you get what you love.
Work as hard as you can, imagine immensities, don’t compromise, and don’t waste time.
Start now.
Not 20 years from now, not two weeks from now.
– Debbie Millman
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Winter is upon us. Not just here, that sounds boring and heavy, but upon us. It’s a little more poetic and gives us some time to plan.
As we move toward longer nights and shorter days we think about what it is we want to work on this winter as we move inside. We remember the back body, the past, the people and experiences that have supported and nurtured us along the way. We step onto our mats and move toward what is unfamiliar, to build a new experience. We will surprise ourselves with what we’ve grown come spring.
Here’s to the dark, where all of us get a chance to begin again!
(We will talk more about this for the annual Your Year In A Word class on Thursday, which is actually on Halloween this year…Start thinking about your words lovely people of the future!)
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