Our Body’s Potential To Wholeness

Realize Your Body’s Deep Potential to Wholeness

Yoga Garden is a space—physical and spiritual—very dear to my heart, where I have realized the deep potential of my body’s relationship to grace, empowerment, community, and wholeness, and my capacity to continually evolve in my practice, through the brilliant guidance of Laurel Van Matre. In more ways than one, Laurel has facilitated healing in my life, and has instilled in me a deep understanding of yoga’s expansive potential to create openings, in the body and in the world, for healing.


I was especially impacted by Laurel’s gift after experiencing a fully ruptured disc in my cervical spine, which doctors insisted required nothing less than surgery and spinal fusion. Laurel’s research into this condition, and her personal attention both in class and private sessions, supported my eventual full recovery with literally no medical intervention. In addition to fostering all levels of asana practice, Laurel also cultivates arts and culture events among her students and in the community—I, along with many other artists, have been warmly hosted in performance and sharing, and her classes always incorporate metaphoric resonance and myriad portals for not just somatic, but imaginative and intellectual comprehension as well. She is a goddess! And Yoga Garden Minneapolis is truly a special, welcoming, peace-affirming refuge.
— Sarah Fox

A lucky lady am I to be surrounded by such a great community of students and teachers.  We have an amazing group of yogis, artists and entrepreneurs @ YG I am forever proud to be a part of.  I love and appreciate each one of your voices and the energy you bring to the studio.  Thank you to Sarah Fox for the beautiful words and insight on her experience there.

Learn more about Teacher Training here!