DIGGING DEEPER ROOTS: Exploring Deeper Into Study, Practice and Teaching Yoga w Laurel & Meg

April 20, 2013 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
YOGA Garden
Laurel Van Matre

Weekend #3 – “From Roots to Flower” Sequencing Strategies

Saturday & Sunday April 20-21 from 11:00-5:00 (w a break for lunch)

The Garden Begins to Flower. Here we will explore the bounty of what is possible in creating an asana sequence. This weekend we will work on sequencing strategies for forward folds, backbends, arm balances, etc…and also consider adapting sequences for different student levels. We will talk about how to take the idea of where we want to go in our practices and what we’d like to do with our understanding of yoga into fruition, into a certain pose or set of actions.