Carry With You What You Know..

The fall equinox is here…already.  It always seems to soon doesn’t it?  As we move toward more darkness than light let’s remember to stay true to our work so we can stay true to ourselves.  I think of this as “carrying with us what we know”, what we found when the days were long and hot, open and welcoming with their heat and light.

Do the work.  Your work, the work that is specific to you and you will find your way…even in the dark.

Because if you are truly on your own path, the hard won fight of independence comes with no judgement.  It is about the work.  The work of the love of life.

Tomorrow night “Carry with you what you Know” class 630-800 @ YOGAGarden

Easy on the Eyes…

A shot from our beautiful hike in Vail.  Easy on the eyes, soft for the heart.  And just imagine its earthy amazing smell.